EFFECTIVE MARCH 1: More Study Room Access, Temporary eCards, & Longer Lucky Day Loans

Study & Conference Room Bookings

Effective March 1, community members will be able to book our study rooms for up to 2 hours at a time (up from 1 hour) with up to 2 active reservations within the upcoming 7 days. The upper and lower level conference rooms will also be bookable up to 60 days in advance (up from just 30 days) with a maximum of 4 hours per reservation. Learn more...

Temporary eCards

Also effective March 1, we will no longer mail library cards to new patrons applying online. New patrons will instead need to come into the library to pick up their card withing 30-days but will have a temporary eCard number they can use until they pick up their card. Learn more...

Lucky Day Books

The loan period for our physical Lucky Day books will increase from 7 days to 14 days starting on -- you guessed it -- March 1. Loan periods for the digital Lucky Day/Skip the Line collection in Overdrive/Libby will remain as 7 days for eBooks and 14 days for e-Audiobooks.

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